The retreat is composed of excellent speakers, oldtimers panel, small break out meetings, circle of love, short workshops, and "free time". There is an Al-Anon meeting on Saturday as one of the break out sessions. We are very mindful of the 12 steps and 12 Traditions of AA and Al-Anon. We incorporate AA/Al-Anon literature as much as possible. We highly recommend that you bring your Big Book and 12 & 12 as well as your Al-Anon literature. Our break out discussion meetings focus on steps 2,3,6,7,10,11 and 12. The retreat centers on "God as you understand Him" and our goal is to provide an environment that will allow you to enhance your conscious contact with "God as you understand Him".

 Each day starts with a led meditation on the front lawn at sunrise and ends with a camp fire, weather permitting. We provide song books and have a sing-a-long around the camp fire. This is where we keep an eye out for candidates for the choir recital on Sunday morning, which is strictly voluntary.
This format was developed in the 1940s and handed down from Sponsor to Sponsee from one generation to the next. A schedule will be provided in your packet when you register with a detailed list of events.

My sponsor, a man sober for over 51 years, who has attended untold number of retreats made this comment on our way home from the retreat. "This has been the best retreat I have ever attended". We hope you will feel the same way.

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4:00-5:30 P.M.         Registration (North Wing)
5:30 P.M.                 Grace & Dinner (Magnolia Dining Hall)
7:00 P.M.                Meeting (North Wing)Introduction to Retreat followed up by opening talk
                           Speaker: To Be Announced
9:15 P.M.                Meeting (Small Meeting Rooms)
                            Discussion of 2nd & 3rd steps
                             Bonfire to follow meeting: music & sharing - Optional
11:00 P.M.                Bedtime - Optional

6:00 A.M.                 Rise and Shine
6:45 A.M.                 Prayer and Meditation - At Lake
7:30 A.M.                 Breakfast (Magnolia Dining Hall)
9:00 A.M.                 Meeting (North Wing)
                        Question & Answer Old Timers Panel
10:30 A.M.                 Meeting (Small Meeting Rooms)
                        A.A. - 7th and 10th Steps
                        Al-Anon 7th and 10th Steps
12:00 NOON                 Lunch (Magnolia Dining Hall)
1:30-3:30 P.M..         Time for Reflection (Walking, Sharing)
3:30 P.M.                 Spiritual & Physical Meditation (North Wing)
                        Circle of Love
5:30 P.M.                 Dinner (Magnolia Dining Hall)
7:30 P.M.                 Meeting (North Wing)
                        Suggested Topic: "What I Am Like Now"
                        Speaker: To be Announced
9:15 P.M.                 Meeting (Small Meeting Rooms)
                        11th and 12th Steps.Bonfire to follow meeting; music & sharing
11:00 P.M.                 Bedtime - Optional

6:00 A.M.                 Rise and Shine
6:45 A.M.                 Prayer and Meditation - At Lake
7:30 A.M.                 Breakfast (Magnolia Dining Hall)
9:30 A.M.                 Meeting (North Wing) "God as I Understand Him"
12:00 NOON                 Lunch (Magnolia Dining Hall)